I was re-reading some V8 Magazine back-issues when I came across this 1982 issue having feature article about Drag Races for street cars in Hanko Airfield. Our garage-chief Kotten, who at that time was competiting for Finnish Drag Racing championship with his "Hitler's Revenge" Beetle, won the elimination rounds with his '51 Split Window. The '51 was compiled out of left over parts from 5 other Beetles for fun (never missing an opportunity to race) and it got license plates only couple of days before.
The ET, 15.850, doesn't perhaps sound all that fast in today's standards and the fastest muscle car was running 12s in the event, but still win in first "real" organized Finnish Street Race and with 1600cc engine. Knowing Kotten I can picture in my mind his expression when he told the interviewer how he assembled the car and it all costed almost 5000 Finnish marks (which is less than 1000 Euros today) And yes, Kotten still owns the Split :-)